The tournament is Friday, July 12th, 2024 at Eaglerock Golf Course located at 5624 Larimer Ln, Billings, MT 59105
- The format will be a four person scramble with an 8:00 am registration and a 9:00am shotgun start.
- The entry fee will be $300.00 per four person team.
- Team registration ($300) includes a snack box, 2 drink tickets per person, green fees, cart fees, door prizes, and the awards dinner which will follow the tournament.
- 2 Mulligans will be available for $20.00 each with a maximum of two per player. All mulligan money will be donated to an organization that is to be announced.
Golf Registration 2024
Remember that tournament entries are limited, sign up early to reserve your spot!
If you have any questions please call 1-800-548-7270 and talk to Shayne or Shelbi, email: shayne@westernranchsupply.com or shelbi@westernranchsupply.com
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